Sunday, October 7, 2012

The year that was 2011

It has been quite a few months since I’ve blogged and I have no idea where that time went.  It wasn’t until I looked back through my diary and downloaded my photographs that I thought….”geez, how’d I fit all that in?”

The following was my life for the past 6 or so months,

  •  100 quilts were quilted
  • 2 Trade Shows in Melbourne were attended
  • Wallaroo Retreat was held in October
  • 4 visits to Mums’ at Wallaroo
  • Our 20th wedding anniversary – pilgrimage to Mildura (for Speedway)
  • Babysitting duties recommenced in September – my favourite time of the week!
  • Other duties as required:-)

Below are a few photos from the “20th Wedding Anniversary”.  These were taken at Trentham Winery – the wine and food were delicious and the view was gorgeous.  Don’t you love the limousine??  Many a bride would be jealous!!

January 2012 146  January 2012 140

January 2012 152 January 2012 151

At present I’m having a brief holiday in Tasmania, once again my holiday has a Speedway connection – it seems the only way I can see Tony! Once I get home my work will begin in earnest – quilts are lined up ready to go and my workload for AMQF will increase.  If you’d like to see what’s happening for the Australian Machine Quilting Festival have a look at the website and register for the Newsletter

I’ll post some photos below, in no particular order, that I happen to have here with me on my camera – my plan is to post more of my customer’s quilts in the coming months.  Please don’t hold your breath as it may not happen but you have to have a plan….remember the saying…..if you fail to plan you can plan to fail. 

January 2012 012   January 2012 069

January 2012 049 January 2012 079

January 2012 093January 2012 106

January 2012 109 January 2012 124

January 2012 174 January 2012 181

January 2012 212 January 2012 213

January 2012 223 January 2012 225

January 2012 236 January 2012 237

January 2012 234 January 2012 238

January 2012 240 January 2012 245

January 2012 260 January 2012 266January 2012 250Quilts and Web Photos 018

Hope you enjoyed the quilts – I had more on my camera than I thought!

And to end on a personal note I thought I’d share a photo of my beautiful grandchildren, Scarlett (the angel) and Ethan (the little prince).  They are just so adorable!!

January 2012 196

Until next time (hopefully soon),

Hugs,  Sharon


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